"federated.public.cat" traducció al català

Hola a tothom i totdon! Molt de gust! :slight_smile:

He traduït el contingut de “federated.public.cat” al català. Per temes de format, Etherpad potser no és la millor manera d’anar traduïnt el contingut però per començar ja és alguna cosa… Pad de la traducció: https://pad.laloka.org/p/publiccat

Estic consultant “engage” a la Fedi… És l’única paraula no traduïda del text… Actualitzo quan tinguem una bona paraula per traduir “engage”…


Actualització: es traduirà “engage” per “implica’t”. Contingut en markdown.

Hola @rita benvinguts!

Com ès https://federated.public.cat ara ?

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Ohhhh!!! Magnífic!!! Està genial!! :slight_smile:
Hi ha alguna altra cosa sota domini "publicCat"que vulguis traduir?

@rita I just installed a Mobilizon instance at https://mobilizon.public.cat/. I put it in Catalan by default. I don’t know if there is already one running for any Catalan group. Would you like admin there?

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Administration is too much for me but I would like to have a user to know how it works. (If there’s enough time) For sure I would like to post in Mobilizon the presentation about Libre Money

If you want to upload the BBB recording, we also have https://peertube.public.cat (are there other Peertube instances in Catalan?)

Nice! Thanks :slight_smile:
If there’s recording of this presentation I suppose it will be uploaded in https://video.monedalliure.org/

There is also https://video.anartist.org/ with some catalan content.

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Seria molt abusar si et demanem crear-li una usuària a en Marcel? És membre de la fedi.cat i li agradaria provar el Mobilizon també. Mercis d’avançat :slight_smile:

Sorry I didn’t reply earlier. I opened the registration on mobilizon.public.cat so Marcel can register an account – I cannot remember how to invite a user. I guess you can invite one in your groups. But this may not be what you want to do in this case.

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